
20190124 - What is the opposite of loneliness?

I came up with a question today while listening to Final Fantasy music - Terra's Theme and Cloud Smiles. Mostly Cloud Smiles. And based on my own experiences and feelings, I came up with this question:

What is the opposite of loneliness?

Cloud Smiles is a representation of the scene in the film Advent Children, when Aerith says:

"You see, everything's, all right."

and then Aerith and Zack go back to the Lifestream and Cloud says:

" I know, I'm not alone. Not anymore."

and when I listen to the piece of music I do also feel less lonely, and more genuine happiness.

but why I have no idea, and what it even means to not be lonely I don't even know. So I googled, and found a thread on Quora where a guy said that the opposite of loneliness, a good answer, is love, and a perfect answer, is faith. It also mentioned that a wrong answer is company, obviously. But this is such a great question I feel like it's the best question I've ever come up with in my life, haha! So I got the idea of doing a podcast and asking different people the question. And you know what they say, "questions are more important than answers". Or?

I think that would be really interesting though, to hear different people's answers to this question. Because that would help me with my own question and my own journey to be "unlonely".

Okay, maybe not podcast, but a written podcast, that is, a dialogue, like Plato's Symposium, or Confucious' Analects! Because for me, the written language contains more depth and possibilities than when face to face conversation is held. Although both are important, written dialogue allows me to think properly before I commit my thoughts to words, and also to revisit it and meditate on it, giving birth to new insights. Yeah yeah that's it for me and my deep thoughts for today!

Here is Cloud Smiles! Enjoy!