20240728 - A New Chapter
A while ago I decided to take down this website (20240428), because I felt like it didn’t fully represent me anymore. I still feel that way, but I’ve decided to put it up again because it represents where I’ve been. And also because, most of the things I've written I still stand by, and will stand by 'till the day I die and even after. There’s a quote that goes something like, in order to know where you’re going, you need to know where you’ve been, and I feel like the content that I’ve created in the past can be preserved like a museum, kind of like the exhibition at Nordiska Museet - “Nordbor”, one of the most gorgeous exhibitions I’ve ever visited.
I’ll continue to create content, sometimes here, but I think mostly elsewhere… this website will continue to exhibit some of my very most personal thoughts and reflections, which I believe can be valuable… but more general content will be published elsewhere. I’ve got plans for the future. Rest assured I’ll never stop creating and learning because that’s what I’m born to do :) and from now on, it’ll be at a different level, a new level.Here’s a photo from Julita gård, where I was yesterday, a part of the Nordiska Museet.